
Hey buddy, how are you? this ain't easy like you imagined right?
yah, all the things get rude. This all so different with all that we thought. That government lick you so crazy but in the other hand its not a problem if all things are okay right? and guess what. I DONT CARE. It doesnt matter how hard you get down, just dont care. Remember your speech " Jikalau ada kalanya, kaki ini mulai bergetar, muka ini mulai menciut, jantung ini mulai berdegub, tetaplah ingat saudara-saudaraku. Semua ini masih pada tempatnya. Ini semua tidak masuk akal tanpa adanya Tuhan. Maka bersyukurlah! ". Ya you're great orator like what you think, then you'll be a great leader right?. Just keep on your mind 'no one leader in this world made by tenderness '. And you are the one of them. Okay that's enough. There's a message to be replied and pray to do. ciao

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